One year after a worldwide cataclysmic event that wiped out most of the human race, a man struggles for survival in a desolate city as he tries to reunite with his long lost family. In this post-apocalyptic tale, there are no supernatural threats, just an everyman who faces a decaying and hazardous world and humanity’s darkest inclinations. Will you hang on to your humanity and help strangers or are you ready to sacrifice others in order to survive?
Minimum Requirements:
- OS: Windows XP, Windows Vista Service Pack 1 or Windows 7
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0 GHz or AMD Equivalent
- Memory: 1GB for Windows XP and 2GB for Windows Vista and 7
- Hard Disk Space: 2.5GB
- Graphic Card: NVidia GT 7800, ATI X1800, Intel HD 3000, or better (256 MB of video RAM and Shader Model 3.0 or better)
- DirectX: 9
- Sound: DirectX compatible sound card
- Keyboard and Mouse
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